Dunga Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct has been produced to ensure the longevity of this event and charity by reinforcing to participants the need to not only do the right thing, but to be seen to be doing the right thing. The Dunga Derby family should be aware that while participating in and being affiliated with or a part of the Dunga Derby they will be seen as representatives of Rally for a Cause. It is in the interest of the charity, entrants and recipients to behave accordingly to protect the reputation of Rally for a Cause, Dunga Derby and all involved. 

The Dunga Derby is NOT a race or timed event

  • Dunga Vehicles  must be registered, be roadworthy, have a minimum of Third Party Property Insurance and drivers must hold a valid driver’s licence.
  • Drivers of Dungas must obey all traffic laws and any directions given by law enforcement. This is applicable while on the Derby and whilst ever their vehicle is signed with Dunga Derby promotional stickers and is identifiable as a Dunga Derby affiliate, any time at all. 
  • Dunga family are to follow the instructions and guidelines set out by Dunga Derby Officials at all times
  • Dunga family  will not engage in behavior that endangers the safety of participants and/or the general public.
  • Dunga family  will not tamper with any road signs or Dunga Derby signs or tamper with other entrant’s vehicles or possessions.
  • Dunga family  will not engage in offensive behavior, excessive drunkenness and/or behavior that brings the name of Rally for a Cause and/or Dunga Derby into disrepute. This includes social media, and any defamatory behaviours. 
  • Dunga family  are to respect any access to private property that is given as part of the Dunga Derby.  Access to private property is for the Dunga Derby event only and is not an ongoing approval.
  • It is the expectation that the Dunga family utilise the contact pathways provided, and you need to contact our helpful Volunteers and Employees, and then the Committee if unable to get a resolution. We have many pathways to make contact and we expect the Dunga family do so as the first option. Poor online behaviours involving or regarding the charity/s will not be tolerated. 
  • The Dunga family understand it is a privilege (and not a right) to be a part of such an incredible movement, Charity, cause and family, and the behaviours of all will reflect this. 

Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken by the committee, which may include a warning or immediate exclusion from the Dunga Derby, current or future seasons. Any disciplinary action taken is at the discretion of the committee and the Dunga Derby officials.

Any of the Dunga family who witnesses a breach of the Code of Conduct must report the incident to a Dunga Derby official at the earliest available opportunity. The official will then report to the committee, which will determine the appropriate course of action to be taken.

Any of the Dunga who are excluded from the Dunga Derby as a result of a breach of the Code of Conduct may also be excluded from future Rally for a Cause and Dunga Derby events. 

The Code of Conduct applies to all members of a team, team representatives and any transgressions by an individual team member may result in the exclusion of the whole team. 

Rally for a Cause will not be responsible for any costs incurred as a result of early exclusion from the Dunga Derby and no refunds will be given for entry costs, sponsorship money raised or donations given. 


The Dunga Derby is a fun event and we expect to have plenty of laughs. In the interest of safety and preserving the good reputation of our charity, let’s use some common sense and remember why we are all doing this.


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