There is no denying the stars of the Dunga Derby are of course, the Dunga Cars! Dungas are to be a minimum of 10 years in age and should be purchased for under $5,000 in price, two-wheel drive sedans or wagons. The older the better are preferred but not mandatory!
If you wish to take along a vehicle that falls outside this criteria, that’s okay. You will however, be required to pay a "luxury car tax" of $300. The Luxury Tax also applies to any 4WD less than 15 years of age.
We do have a number of people who are able to help you source a possible Dunga if you need assistance. Just email to get in touch with someone who can help.
The teams must be made up of a minimum number of 2 capable adult drivers to ensure that there is an appropriate driver ready in the case of an emergency and to meet the requirements of the The Dunga Derby safety managment policy.
All Dungas MUST meet the following criteria:
Registered and Roadworthy
Third Party Property Damage Insurance. A photocopy of your Certificate of Currency will be required at scrutineering.
Dunga Derby signage/stickers attached as per directions
Mounted flashing Amber Light that is clearly visible from both the front and rear of the vehicle. NO RED, BLUE, GREEN or PURPLE lights are to be used. If luggage is going to restrict the view from either the front or rear, we suggest you consider fitting two amber lights.
First Aid Kit
80 / 40 Channel UHF CB Radio in good working order. 5 Watt Handhelds are permitted but fully installed units are preferred.
Spare Wheel
Fire Extinguisher
Safety Triangle
Front & Rear Tow Points. Please note NO TOWBALLS TO BE FITTED.
Minimum fuel range of 450km
Operational Trip Computer. You need to be able to track distance travelled or Trip Computer App installed on your phone.
10L Water
Basic Tool Kit. An assortment of screwdrivers, shifters, small ring & open ended spanners, pliers, side cutter, duct tape, electrical tape, hammer, cable ties & some WD- 40.
Camping Gear. We will provide the camp site with access to amenities but you will need your own camping gear to sleep in. Swags are very popular as they do not take up much room in/on your Dunga and are quick to put up and down.
Some notes:
Scrutineering will take place prior to the Dunga Derby departure (date, time and place to be confirmed).
At scrutineering you will be required to attend with your Dunga so that Dunga Officials can check that your vehicle meets the mandatory requirements, your paperwork is all in order and you have met your minimum fundraising requirements – basically making sure you are DUNGA READY!!
All participants must be present at Scrutineering to complete the final individual participant paperwork and receive the mandatory Safety Briefing. If for some reason a team member cannot be present, administration must be contacted to make alternative arrangements for this requirement.
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